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Spinal injury care

At London Imperial Care, we recognize that sustaining a spinal injury is a life-altering event, requiring significant physical, emotional, and social adjustments for the injured person, their family, and friends. We understand the mixture of anticipation, uncertainty, and anxiety that comes with returning home from the hospital after such an injury, and we are here to provide the care and support you and your family need during these difficult times.

Understanding Spinal Injury

A spinal injury refers to damage to the spinal cord, which can result from traumatic events like accidents or non-traumatic causes such as tumours, blood clots, or haemorrhages.

The spinal cord plays a crucial role in transmitting messages from the brain to the body's muscles, skin, and organs, as well as relaying sensations from the body back to the brain, such as temperature, texture, and pain. When a spinal injury occurs, the person may experience a loss of movement and sensation below the point of injury.

Common Symptoms and Risks

The extent and duration of the loss of movement and sensation will depend on the nature of the injury. Partial damage may allow for some return of sensation and movement, which could take up to two years. However, in cases of total damage, the loss of function is likely to be permanent.

Paralysis and loss of feeling increase the risks of various issues, including pressure sores, hypothermia, hyperthermia, stroke from sudden surges in blood pressure, and injury from uncontrolled muscle spasms.

Comprehensive Support for Well-being

At London Imperial Care, our dedicated and experienced staff are here to help you maintain your quality of life. We work with you to create a specialized care plan that focuses on realistic goals to achieve. Our services may include:

- Reminding or assisting you with taking medicines to manage your symptoms.

- Ensuring you have a good morning routine, including bathing and dressing, to keep you looking your best.

- Providing catheter care and continence management to maintain your dignity and comfort.

- Ensuring you have a balanced diet with plenty of fluids, fresh fruits, vegetables, and fiber to promote good health and prevent constipation.

- Assisting with routine household chores and shopping to create a home environment that suits your preferences.

- Offering emotional and social support to keep you connected to the people who are important to you.

- Providing support for rehabilitation to help you regain independence and work towards returning to a more normal life.

At London Imperial Care, we are committed to providing the highest level of care and support, ensuring your well-being and helping you navigate life after a spinal injury with confidence and compassion.

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